Copyright 2025 - samenklimaatactief
Privacy Made with Soul
About us
Climate Active Together
Samen Klimaatactief (Climate Active Together) was launched in 2017 on behalf of the City of Antwerp to curb greenhouse gas emissions in the tertiary sector (mainly office buildings, retail business, food service industry, care sector) and small industry. This emissions goal is a vital piece of the well-known international Covenant of Mayors protocol signed by over 7000 mayors worldwide.
From almost the start as an official government concession, the organization has been active throughout Flanders and also Brussels. The independancy and governance aspects of the organization are guaranteed through the official Advisory Board including the City of Antwerp,
How does Climate Active Together work?
The concept consists of two components:
First, we operate a public website containing hands-on advice for businesses on mainly energy efficiency measures and renewable energy, all based on a practical five-steps implementation approach. Circular economy/waste and climate adaptation features will soon be added.
Secondly, companies and other organizations can request product information and price requests from prescreened and registered suppliers via our digital matchmaking platform.
Suppliers of goods and services can use the Climate Active Together platform as an easy and low-cost lead generation tool.
Climate Active Together is used by an increasing number of local and intermediate authorities as a ready-to-use and low-cost tool to achieve the agreed carbon emissions reductions by local businesses and industry on their territory.
Other languages and regions?
Climate Active Together has been designed to allow easy transformation into other languages or regions and countries. Contact Jan Jaeken (English, French, German, Dutch) for more information.
Communitymanager Jan Jaeken
M: + 32 473 788 881